Pictures of my knitting and beading projects.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Another baby hat - same baby

So I told you that I didn't know if our friends had a boy or a girl. So i knitted a pink hat too. Well the baby is a beautiful girl! Congratulations to her parents - she is a joy.

Here is baby Eliana (hope I spelled that right.)

The hat is the Vine lace baby hat from Knitting Daily.

Our friends decided that they would like both hats. I am glad they kept the blue one too - it's such a pretty pattern.


Tiffany said...

soooo cute. I can't knit, but I do crochet. Among many other crafty things...I really don't have time for all that I do ;-)

This is my RL blog, gonna add you to this one ;-)

~Tiffany (aka Bella)

Unknown said...

What a pretty baby! Congrats to your friends.


Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

Anonymous said...

i surely adore your own writing type, very unique.
don't give up as well as keep creating as it just simply truly worth to look through it,
impatient to view more of your own stories, have a good one ;)