Pictures of my knitting and beading projects.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Birthday earrings

I love the earrings that Ethan's Aunt Marilynne gave me for my 30th birthday. How nice to have a piece of beautiful jewelry.

The artist is Michal Negrin

Happy Feet!

I just finished my first pair of socks. They are toddler sized (I think.)
The pattern is free from Stitches of Violet

They were very fun to make.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Un-Happy Feet

So Alex wanted to see Happy Feet - it came the other day from Netflix. Some penguins sing sexy songs to each other then the chicks are born, 1 dances, the rest sing. Next thing - the dancing penguin is in the ocean trying not to get eaten. Dancing penguin somehow ends up in the zoo, then he dances. The people let him go. He goes home - he dances, all the penguins dance. The humans show up - fish for all. More stupid songs and dancing.

How did this movie win an Oscar - I normally love animated films, but this one was horrible.
Alex wouldn't even stay in the room to watch it


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Recycled sari silk scarf

I bought this beautiful yarn on eBay a while ago, and had no idea what to do with it. I started knitting a checkerboard pattern, but it really doesn't show up with the yarn. The colors are amazing. If anybody else has ideas for this yarn - let me know!

Pattern I used - CO 12
Row 1,3,5 - K4, p4, k4
row 2,4 - P4, k4, p4

Repeat rows until desired length

Shedir Hat finished

Here is my Shedir Hat - finally finished. It's a great pattern from Knitty Online Magazine. I worked 1 less cable repeat than the pattern called for, but it is still a little long. Either way - it was an interesting knit, and also the first time I used a chart instead of written instructions.
(Same hat in both pictures)

My first sock

Here is a picture of the first sock I have ever knit. It actually came out pretty well, and was a good experience. Since it was only a practice sock, it's really small. I hope to make larger, and more difficult socks soon.

Happy Birthday Grandpop!

Today is Grandpop's 60th birthday! I hope you have a great day Rick -


Lily - d-i-l-#1 (daughter in law #1)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

My hair!

Look at this beautiful boy! Linus has really curly hair after his baths. Too cute!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Woohoo It's done!

I finally finished the scarf I was working on for my mom. She came out to visit me earlier this week for my birthday. I'm glad to finish another project.

Falling Water Scarf Pattern

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

Today is my 30th birthday! We all are eagerly awaiting the chocolate chip cake, and dinner at my favorite restaurant.
