Pictures of my knitting and beading projects.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Recycled sari silk scarf

I bought this beautiful yarn on eBay a while ago, and had no idea what to do with it. I started knitting a checkerboard pattern, but it really doesn't show up with the yarn. The colors are amazing. If anybody else has ideas for this yarn - let me know!

Pattern I used - CO 12
Row 1,3,5 - K4, p4, k4
row 2,4 - P4, k4, p4

Repeat rows until desired length

1 comment:

Thashizknit said...

Okay, here is my possibly obvious and stupid suggestion...I just did a scarf with the same issues (no patterns show up with it, etc.) and I just used huge-ass needles and did a simple pattern of knit a row, then do a row of k1 y0 k1, all the way across, then knit the next row, dropping the yarnovers to create a lace-y type dealio and then starting the pattern all over again. I know, it sounds super-lame but it looked pretty good and I finally had to figure out that the main attraction of the scarf was going to be the yarn and not the pattern....

I hope this helps, even if only to give you a laugh...!